NOAA-GSL Global Modeling
- Activities
- Real-time testing
- Physics development and testing
- Info
- Unified Forecast System UFS
Subseasonal modeling
- Activities
- 60km FIM-HYCOM S2S real-time Experiments
- Participation in real-time
Subseasonal Consortium (SubC)
, formerly SubX
- SubC real-time forecasts including from NOAA-GSL global atmos-ocean coupled model
- References for FIM-HYCOM subseasonal prediction in NOAA SubX
- Bleck et al 2015, Mon. Wea. Rev. - FIM description
- Green et al 2017, Mon. Wea. Rev. - Evaluation of MJO Predictive Skill in Multiphysics and Multimodel Global Ensembles
- Shan Sun et al 2018a, Mon. Wea. Rev. - Subseasonal forecasting with an icos, vertically quasi-lagrangian coupled model Part I: Model overview, evaluation of systematic errors
- Shan Sun et al 2018b, Mon. Wea. Rev. - Part II: Probabilistic and deterministic forecast skill
- Pegion et al 2019, Mon. Wea. Rev. - The Subseasonal Experiment - SubX
Inline-aerosol/chemistry modeling
- Activities
- Real-time CCPP-Chem Experiments